Intro: Erect to leaning perennial of dry forests, woodlands and clearings.
Stems: Stems branched above, green to sometimes reddish, smooth or hairy; leaks milky sap when broken.
Leaves: Leaves alternate (but in a whorl below inflorescence), mostly petiolate, linear to oblong or elliptic with rounded tips, 3/4-2 1/2 in. long, smooth.
Flowers: Flowers in a branching, terminal cluster; white; each "flower is actually a cup, about 1/2 in. wide, that holds male and female flowers, its rim with 4 white to greenish or pink, round petal-like appendages.
Fruits: Fruit a smooth to sparsely hairy, round, 3-lobed capsule.
Height: 11-22 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to leaning perennial of dry forests, woodlands and clearings.
stems: Stems branched above, green to sometimes reddish, smooth or hairy; leaks milky sap when broken.
leaves: Leaves alternate (but in a whorl below inflorescence), mostly petiolate, linear to oblong or elliptic with rounded tips, 3/4-2 1/2 in. long, smooth.
flowers: Flowers in a branching, terminal cluster; white; each "flower is actually a cup, about 1/2 in. wide, that holds male and female flowers, its rim with 4 white to greenish or pink, round petal-like appendages.
fruits: Fruit a smooth to sparsely hairy, round, 3-lobed capsule.
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