Intro: Stemless perennial found in marshes, wet meadows and other wet areas. Native of Eurasia, but now widespread in e. North America
Stems: Flowering stalk and leaves arise from a thick underground rhizome.
Leaves: Leaves 2-ranked and crowded basally, where they attach directly to the rhizome; linear and strap-like, to 70 in. long, with a prominent pink or red central vein and "crinkled" margins.
Flowers: Flowers crowded in a stiff, linear-cylindric spike (2-4 in. long) that is attached at an angle near the middle of a long, leaf-like stem; greenish-yellow (later brownish), tiny.
Comments: Crushed leaves and rhizomes have a distinctive sweet smell; traditional uses of the rhizome range from medicinal to candy-making.
Height: 1-3 1/2 ft.
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description: Stemless perennial found in marshes, wet meadows and other wet areas. Native of Eurasia, but now widespread in e. North America
stems: Flowering stalk and leaves arise from a thick underground rhizome.
leaves: Leaves 2-ranked and crowded basally, where they attach directly to the rhizome; linear and strap-like, to 70 in. long, with a prominent pink or red central vein and "crinkled" margins.
flowers: Flowers crowded in a stiff, linear-cylindric spike (2-4 in. long) that is attached at an angle near the middle of a long, leaf-like stem; greenish-yellow (later brownish), tiny.
comments: Crushed leaves and rhizomes have a distinctive sweet smell; traditional uses of the rhizome range from medicinal to candy-making.
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native range: Europe & Asia