Intro: Erect perennial of dry pine woodlands, other woodlands, forest edges and old fields.
Stems: Stems loosely to compactly branched in upper half of plant, with short pressed-in hairs; older stems prostrate and forming a basal rosette.
Leaves: Stem leaves opposite to sub-opposite, short-petiolate to sessile, linear-lance-shaped, 1/4-3/4 in. long, smooth except for short hairs on margins and midrib beneath. Leaves on basal shoots often whorled and a little wider and shorter.
Flowers: Flowers in a loose panicle with ascending branches occupying the upper 1/2 of the plant, reddish, tiny, consisting of 3 petals that are mostly concealed by the sepals and rarely spreading.
Fruits: Fruit a slender ellipsoid to narrowly pear-shaped capsule partially enclosed by the persistent calyx.
Height: 4-32 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect perennial of dry pine woodlands, other woodlands, forest edges and old fields.
stems: Stems loosely to compactly branched in upper half of plant, with short pressed-in hairs; older stems prostrate and forming a basal rosette.
leaves: Stem leaves opposite to sub-opposite, short-petiolate to sessile, linear-lance-shaped, 1/4-3/4 in. long, smooth except for short hairs on margins and midrib beneath. Leaves on basal shoots often whorled and a little wider and shorter.
flowers: Flowers in a loose panicle with ascending branches occupying the upper 1/2 of the plant, reddish, tiny, consisting of 3 petals that are mostly concealed by the sepals and rarely spreading.
fruits: Fruit a slender ellipsoid to narrowly pear-shaped capsule partially enclosed by the persistent calyx.
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