Intro: Erect to leaning annual starting out as a winter rosette, found in fields, on roadsides, and in other open, disturbed areas.
Stems: Stems several from the base, unbranched, with swollen nodes, smooth below but with gland-tipped hairs above.
Leaves: Leaves opposite (basal leaves tufted), sessile to short-petiolate, oblong to lance-shaped, to 1 in. long, with tiny, stalked glands along the margins.
Flowers: Flowers in terminal umbels (3-15 flowers), on long stalks that turn downward in fruit; white to pinkish, with 5 fringed, partially opened (not spreading) petals and 5 shorter, pointy sepals with thin, dry margins.
Fruits: Fruit an oval to cylindric capsule.
Height: 2-10 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to leaning annual starting out as a winter rosette, found in fields, on roadsides, and in other open, disturbed areas.
stems: Stems several from the base, unbranched, with swollen nodes, smooth below but with gland-tipped hairs above.
leaves: Leaves opposite (basal leaves tufted), sessile to short-petiolate, oblong to lance-shaped, to 1 in. long, with tiny, stalked glands along the margins.
flowers: Flowers in terminal umbels (3-15 flowers), on long stalks that turn downward in fruit; white to pinkish, with 5 fringed, partially opened (not spreading) petals and 5 shorter, pointy sepals with thin, dry margins.
fruits: Fruit an oval to cylindric capsule.
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