Intro: Sprawling, rhizomatous perennial of moist to dry upland forests, floodplain forests, seepage swamps, old fields and disturbed areas; usually on base-rich soils.
Stems: Stems 4-angled, scrambling, simple or with forking branches toward end, with downward pointing bristles on angles.
Leaves: Leaves in whorls of 6, sessile, elliptic to oblong-lance-shaped with toothed tip, to 2 1/2 in. long, smooth, with rough hairs on margins and midrib beneath; vanilla-scented.
Flowers: Flowers in clusters of 1-3 on stalks from middle and upper leaf nodes; greenish-white; tiny, consisting of 4 pointy-tipped petals, 4 stamens and a bristly 2-celled ovary.
Fruits: Fruit a dry, brown or black capsule composed of 2 round lobes covered with hooked bristles and containing 1 seed per lobe.
Height: 1-3 ft.
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description: Sprawling, rhizomatous perennial of moist to dry upland forests, floodplain forests, seepage swamps, old fields and disturbed areas; usually on base-rich soils.
stems: Stems 4-angled, scrambling, simple or with forking branches toward end, with downward pointing bristles on angles.
leaves: Leaves in whorls of 6, sessile, elliptic to oblong-lance-shaped with toothed tip, to 2 1/2 in. long, smooth, with rough hairs on margins and midrib beneath; vanilla-scented.
flowers: Flowers in clusters of 1-3 on stalks from middle and upper leaf nodes; greenish-white; tiny, consisting of 4 pointy-tipped petals, 4 stamens and a bristly 2-celled ovary.
fruits: Fruit a dry, brown or black capsule composed of 2 round lobes covered with hooked bristles and containing 1 seed per lobe.
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