Intro: An infrequently seen perennial that stays as a rosette of basal leaves for 5-15 years, finally produces a tall flowering stalk for one season, and then dies. Found in rich forests over mafic or calcareous rocks, upper slopes of cove forests and floodplain forests.
Stems: Flowering stem unbranched, stout, light green to purple and smooth.
Leaves: Basal leaves oblong-elliptic, to 14 in. long and 4 in. wide, with smooth margins; stem leaves in whorls of 4-5, becoming gradually smaller upward.
Flowers: Flowers many in a narrowly pyramidal panicle; greenish-white with purple specks; ¾-1¼ in. wide; consisting of 4 (5) spreading oblong-lance-shaped petals, 4 (5) linear-lance sepals, 4 (5) spreading stamens and an ovary with a single style. On the lower middle of each petal is a conspicuous fringed, green nectar pad.
Height: 3-9 ft.
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description: An infrequently seen perennial that stays as a rosette of basal leaves for 5-15 years, finally produces a tall flowering stalk for one season, and then dies. Found in rich forests over mafic or calcareous rocks, upper slopes of cove forests and floodplain forests.
stems: Flowering stem unbranched, stout, light green to purple and smooth.
leaves: Basal leaves oblong-elliptic, to 14 in. long and 4 in. wide, with smooth margins; stem leaves in whorls of 4-5, becoming gradually smaller upward.
flowers: Flowers many in a narrowly pyramidal panicle; greenish-white with purple specks; ¾-1¼ in. wide; consisting of 4 (5) spreading oblong-lance-shaped petals, 4 (5) linear-lance sepals, 4 (5) spreading stamens and an ovary with a single style. On the lower middle of each petal is a conspicuous fringed, green nectar pad.
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native range: eastern North America