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Physalis virginiana P. Miller. Virginia Ground-cherry. Phen: Apr-Oct; Jun-Nov. Hab: Woodlands, glades, barrens, and disturbed areas. Dist: This complex species is widespread in e. and c. North America.

Origin/Endemic status: Native

Taxonomy Comments: Varieties are sometimes recognized; if so, only var. virginiana is represented in the eastern part of our area.

Synonymy : = C, F, Fl6, FNA14, G, GrPl, Il, Mi, NcTx, Pa, Tat, Tn, W, WH3, Sullivan (2004), Ward (2008a); > Physalis intermedia Rydb. – S; > Physalis monticola C.Mohr – S; > Physalis virginiana Mill. – S; > Physalis virginiana Mill. var. virginiana – K1, K3, K4, NE, NY, RAB, Tx, Va

Links to other floras: = Physalis virginiana - FNA14

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image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Bruce A. Sorrie | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Scott Ward | Original Image ⭷
image of plant© Radford, Ahles and Bell | Original Image ⭷


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Horticultural Information

NCBG trait

Intro: Erect perennial of dry woodlands, clearings and other disturbed areas.

Stems: Stems sparsely branched and ascending, with long soft hairs to shorter stiff hairs.

Leaves: Leaves alternate; on winged petioles; oval to lance-shaped with a tapering base; 1-4 in. long; with sparsely toothed, wavy or entire margins; sparsely to abundantly short-hairy.


Flowers: Flowers solitary and drooping on stalks from leaf axils; yellow with distinctly dark centers; about 3/4 in. wide; funnel-shaped with 5 very shallow lobes, 5 fused hairy sepals and 5 stamens, usually with yellow tips.

Fruits: Fruit an orange or red berry enclosed by a densely hairy, 5-angled expanded calyx, which matures to a papery husk.


Height: 4-16 in. (sometimes taller)

plant sale text:

bloom table text:

description: Erect perennial of dry woodlands, clearings and other disturbed areas.

stems: Stems sparsely branched and ascending, with long soft hairs to shorter stiff hairs.

leaves: Leaves alternate; on winged petioles; oval to lance-shaped with a tapering base; 1-4 in. long; with sparsely toothed, wavy or entire margins; sparsely to abundantly short-hairy.


flowers: Flowers solitary and drooping on stalks from leaf axils; yellow with distinctly dark centers; about 3/4 in. wide; funnel-shaped with 5 very shallow lobes, 5 fused hairy sepals and 5 stamens, usually with yellow tips.

fruits: Fruit an orange or red berry enclosed by a densely hairy, 5-angled expanded calyx, which matures to a papery husk.


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