Intro: Erect annual/perennial found in bottomland sloughs, ditches, clay flatwoods and other freshwater wetlands.
Stems: Stems branched above, minutely hairy and glandular, giving off unpleasant odor when bruised/crushed.
Leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, elliptic, to 6 in. long, toothed; covered with tiny, glistening glands and giving off an unpleasant odor when bruised/crushed.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in branching clusters at ends of branches; heads about 1/4 in. long, consisting of tiny, rose pink disk florets (no ray florets) closely surrounded by several series of pinkish-purple, gland-dotted, pointy bracts.
Height: 2-6 1/2 ft.
plant sale text: Plowman's wort is a plant worth adding to any garden. Found in moist ditches or along riverbanks, Buckeyes, Monarchs and Swallowtail butterflies flock to the blooms. In your garden, the flowers form mounded heads of pink that persist as soft mounds of pale seed heads through the winter months. If you crush the leaves, you'll notice a lingering musky scent. If you've been looking for a beautiful addition to you garden that is maybe even a deer repellent, this is the plant for you.
bloom table text: Plowman's wort is a plant worth adding to any garden. Found in moist ditches or along riverbanks, Buckeyes, Monarchs and Swallowtail butterflies flock to the blooms. In your garden, the flowers form mounded heads of pink that persist as soft mounds of pale seed heads through the winter months. If you crush the leaves, you'll notice a lingering musky scent. If you've been looking for a beautiful addition to you garden that is thought to be a deer repellent, this is the plant for you.
description: Erect annual/perennial found in bottomland sloughs, ditches, clay flatwoods and other freshwater wetlands.
stems: Stems branched above, minutely hairy and glandular, giving off unpleasant odor when bruised/crushed.
leaves: Leaves alternate, petiolate, elliptic, to 6 in. long, toothed; covered with tiny, glistening glands and giving off an unpleasant odor when bruised/crushed.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in branching clusters at ends of branches; heads about 1/4 in. long, consisting of tiny, rose pink disk florets (no ray florets) closely surrounded by several series of pinkish-purple, gland-dotted, pointy bracts.
cultural notes:
germination code:
native range: southeastern United States