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Symphyotrichumurophyllum (Lindley ex A.P. de Candolle) Nesom. White Arrowleaf Aster. Phen: Late Aug-Oct. Hab: Moist to dry forests, fields, and roadbanks. Dist: ME west to MN and NE, south to e. Panhandle FL, MS, and OK.
Origin/Endemic status: Native
Synonymy ⓘ: = Ar, Fl7, FNA20, Il, K1, K3, K4, Mi, Mo2, NE, NY, Pa, Tn, Va, WH3, Nesom (1994a); = Astersagittifolius Wedem. ex Willd. – C, G, GrPl, Oh3, RAB, S, SE1, Tat, W; = Astersagittifolius Wedem. ex Willd. var. sagittifolius – F; = Asterurophyllus Lindl. ex DC.
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Horticultural Information
Height:1-3 ft.
plant sale text:Arrow-leaved American-aster bears many flowers, in upright panicles. Its white ray flowers surround yellow disc flowers, later turning purplish. This upland species is often seen growing in fields and along the edges of dry woods. It is adaptable as far as soil type. Its specific name urophyllum refers to its larger leaves having a tail-like tip.