Intro: Tap-rooted annual found on trail edges, roadsides, clearings, and other disturbed, open or shaded habitats. Native of southeast Asia,
Stems: Stems 1-several from a basal rosette, may be reddish-purple-tinged, hairy below and smoother above.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal; petiolate; oblong-lance-shaped; 2-5 in. long; divided into very irregular, quasi-pinnate segments with jagged edges; pale green with reddish-purple tints; densely hairy, the hairs often brownish and crinkled.
Flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in small branching cluster at stem top, the closed heads fig-shaped; heads bright yellow, about 1/3 in. wide, consisting of 10-20 ray florets with squared-off, 5-toothed tips. A series of narrow, green bracts with fleshy midribs surrounds the cylindric base of each head.
Comments: This species is spreading rapidly in our area, recently moving into minimally disturbed natural areas.
Height: 4-28 in.
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description: Tap-rooted annual found on trail edges, roadsides, clearings, and other disturbed, open or shaded habitats. Native of southeast Asia,
stems: Stems 1-several from a basal rosette, may be reddish-purple-tinged, hairy below and smoother above.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal; petiolate; oblong-lance-shaped; 2-5 in. long; divided into very irregular, quasi-pinnate segments with jagged edges; pale green with reddish-purple tints; densely hairy, the hairs often brownish and crinkled.
flowers: Composite flowers (heads) in small branching cluster at stem top, the closed heads fig-shaped; heads bright yellow, about 1/3 in. wide, consisting of 10-20 ray florets with squared-off, 5-toothed tips. A series of narrow, green bracts with fleshy midribs surrounds the cylindric base of each head.
comments: This species is spreading rapidly in our area, recently moving into minimally disturbed natural areas.
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native range: southeastern Asia