Intro: Erect perennial of moist hardwood forests and seeps, especially over amphibolite.
Stems: Stem an unbranched, smooth flowering scape.
Leaves: Leaves in a pair at base of plant, flat against ground (a few bracts above); broadly oval to rounded; 2-8 in. long; with parallel veins and a central crease; shiny dark green and smooth.
Flowers: Flowers 10-30 in a cylindric terminal spike; greenish-white; about 1 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of 3 oval sepals, a pair of sickle-shaped lateral petals, a narrowly elongate lip-petal at the bottom and, pointing backward, a slender, drooping, 1/2- to 1-in.-long spur.
Fruits: Fruit an erect, slender, ellipsoid capsule.
Height: 4-23 in.
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description: Erect perennial of moist hardwood forests and seeps, especially over amphibolite.
stems: Stem an unbranched, smooth flowering scape.
leaves: Leaves in a pair at base of plant, flat against ground (a few bracts above); broadly oval to rounded; 2-8 in. long; with parallel veins and a central crease; shiny dark green and smooth.
flowers: Flowers 10-30 in a cylindric terminal spike; greenish-white; about 1 in. long; bilaterally symmetric; consisting of 3 oval sepals, a pair of sickle-shaped lateral petals, a narrowly elongate lip-petal at the bottom and, pointing backward, a slender, drooping, 1/2- to 1-in.-long spur.
fruits: Fruit an erect, slender, ellipsoid capsule.
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