Spiranthes eatonii Ames ex P.M. Brown. Eaton's Ladies'-tresses. Phen: Feb-Jun. Hab: Pine savannas, dry to moist pine flatwoods, submesic longleaf pine sandhills. Dist: Se. VA south to s. FL, west to se. TX.
Origin/Endemic status: Endemic
Taxonomy Comments: Apparently previously confused with S. lacera, S. floridana, S. brevilabris, and S. tuberosa, but distinctive in the combination of spring blooming season, white flowers, and basal, narrowly oblanceolate leaves (Brown 1999).
Synonymy: = ETx1, FNA26, K1, K3, Va, WH3, Brown (2002); = Spiranthes lacera (Raf.) Raf. var. eatonii (P.M.Br.) D.B.Ward – K4, Ward (2012a); < Ibidium gracile (Bigelow) House – S, S13, misapplied (?); < Spiranthes gracilis (Bigelow) Beck var. gracilis – RAB; < Spiranthes lacera (Raf.) Raf. var. gracilis (Bigelow) Luer – C
Wetland Indicator Status:
Heliophily ?: 9
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