Intro: Erect to reclining perennial from a corm, found in dry to moist forests, woodlands, clearings and barrens.
Stems: Stems unbranched and hairy.
Leaves: Leaves clustered at the base of the stem, with membranous sheaths, linear, 4-20 in. long, u-shaped in cross-section, stiff, with scattered white hairs.
Flowers: Flowers 2-7 in a loose, terminal umbel; yellow; 1/2-1 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, lance-shaped and pointed tepals and a central yellow pistil surrounded by 6 yellow stamens.
Fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
Height: 4-8 in.
plant sale text:
bloom table text:
description: Erect to reclining perennial from a corm, found in dry to moist forests, woodlands, clearings and barrens.
stems: Stems unbranched and hairy.
leaves: Leaves clustered at the base of the stem, with membranous sheaths, linear, 4-20 in. long, u-shaped in cross-section, stiff, with scattered white hairs.
flowers: Flowers 2-7 in a loose, terminal umbel; yellow; 1/2-1 in. wide; consisting of 5 spreading, lance-shaped and pointed tepals and a central yellow pistil surrounded by 6 yellow stamens.
fruits: Fruit an ellipsoid capsule.
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native range: eastern North America