Intro: Erect, scapose perennial from a bulb, frequenting lawns, pastures and other disturbed places. Native of Eurasia.
Stems: Stem a smooth, mostly leafless flowering scape that becomes stiff over time.
Leaves: Leaves mostly basal (a few alternate), tubular and floppy, to 10 in. long,
Flowers: Flowers in a small umbel, no more than 2 in. across, at top of scape; begins with a sack-like, membranous covering that is pointed at the top, a dried remnant of which usually persists at the base of the umbel. There is a mixture of bulbils (often sprouting) and flowers, or all one or the other; flowers green, white or light purple, consisting of 6 erect to slightly spreading tepals.
Comments: Our common "field garlic" or "onion grass."
Height: 1-4 ft.
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description: Erect, scapose perennial from a bulb, frequenting lawns, pastures and other disturbed places. Native of Eurasia.
stems: Stem a smooth, mostly leafless flowering scape that becomes stiff over time.
leaves: Leaves mostly basal (a few alternate), tubular and floppy, to 10 in. long,
flowers: Flowers in a small umbel, no more than 2 in. across, at top of scape; begins with a sack-like, membranous covering that is pointed at the top, a dried remnant of which usually persists at the base of the umbel. There is a mixture of bulbils (often sprouting) and flowers, or all one or the other; flowers green, white or light purple, consisting of 6 erect to slightly spreading tepals.
comments: Our common "field garlic" or "onion grass."
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