Intro: Erect, early blooming annual/biennial found in various wet habitats, especially swampy depressions, stream banks and small woodland seeps.
Stems: Stems may be branched from the base; smooth but hairy near the base.
Leaves: Leaves alternate (a few basal leaves), petiolate, 1½-4 in. long and pinnately divided into 3-13 oval to lance-shaped leaflets, each with 2-3 rounded teeth or lobes.
Flowers: Flowers on spreading-ascending stalks in a short terminal raceme, white, 1/4 in. or less wide, consisting of 4 tiny oval petals, 4 light green sepals, several stamens and a stout pistil.
Fruits: Fruit a linear, green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
Height: 6-22 in.
plant sale text:
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description: Erect, early blooming annual/biennial found in various wet habitats, especially swampy depressions, stream banks and small woodland seeps.
stems: Stems may be branched from the base; smooth but hairy near the base.
leaves: Leaves alternate (a few basal leaves), petiolate, 1½-4 in. long and pinnately divided into 3-13 oval to lance-shaped leaflets, each with 2-3 rounded teeth or lobes.
flowers: Flowers on spreading-ascending stalks in a short terminal raceme, white, 1/4 in. or less wide, consisting of 4 tiny oval petals, 4 light green sepals, several stamens and a stout pistil.
fruits: Fruit a linear, green pod; pods ripen on lower flower stalks while upper flowers are still blooming.
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