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3 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AcoraceaeAcorus americanusAmerican Calamus, SweetflagMarshes, wet meadows, other wet areas, limey seeps.NS west to AK, south to n. NJ, DC (allegedly), c. OH, c. IN, c. IL, IA, NE, MT, ID, and WA.image of plant
AcoraceaeAcorus calamusEuropean Calamus, SweetflagMarshes, wet meadows, other wet areas.Native of Eurasia, now widespread in e. North America.image of plant
AcoraceaeAcorus gramineusJapanese Sweetflag, Grassleaf SweetflagNaturalized in sand and gravel bars along streams, in suburban settings.Native of e. Asia. Reported for City of Alexandria (Simmons et al. 2020).image of plant

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