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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeAlbizia julibrissinMimosa, SilktreeDisturbed areas, suburban woodlots, escaped and persistent in forests and woodlands.Native of warm-temperate and subtropical Asia. A serious weed tree; "literally almost everywhere in the ‘Dixie’ south" (Isely 1973).image of plant
FabaceaeAlbizia kalkoraKalkora MimosaNaturalizing in suburban areas.Native of e. Asia (Japan, Korea, Taiwan). Documented by herbarium specimens at DUKE and NCU.image of plant
FabaceaeAlbizia lebbeckLebbek, Woman’s-tongue, Rattlepod, Singer-tree, Whistling-treeHammocks, pine rocklands, Florida scrub, marl prairies, disturbed areas.Native of tropical e. Asia.image of plant
FabaceaeAlbizia lebbekoidesIndian AlbiziaDisturbed uplands, suburban woodlands.Native of se. Asia.image of plant
FabaceaeAlbizia proceraTall Albizia, White SirisDisturbed uplands.Native of tropical Asia.image of plant

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