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2 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeAmphicarpum amphicarponPinebarrens Peanut-grassWet, peaty, open soils, especially peat-burns in pocosin edges, primarily in the outer Coastal Plain, responding strongly to fire.An Atlantic Coastal Plain endemic, scattered and rather rare, from e. MA to nc. FL.image of plant
PoaceaeAmphicarpum muehlenbergianumFlorida Peanut-grass, Blue Maiden-caneNatural depression ponds, flatwoods ponds, pondcypress savannas in clay-based Carolina bays.S. FL and s. AL north to se. NC, rare north of s. GA. First found in NC in the late 1980s by M. Boyer.image of plant

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