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3 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeAnthenantia rufaPurple SilkyscaleWet pine savannas in the outer Coastal Plain, seepage bogs and moist sandhill-pocosin ecotones in the fall-line sandhills.Se. NC south to n. FL and west to w. LA.image of plant
PoaceaeAnthenantia texanaTexas SilkyscalePine flatwoods, coastal prairies, bog margins.S. AR south to w. LA and e. TX.image of plant
PoaceaeAnthenantia villosaGreen SilkyscaleLongleaf pine sandhills, especially in submesic swales.Se. NC south to s. FL and west to e. TX.image of plant

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