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2 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AgavaceaeCamassia angustaPrairie CamasMesic upland prairies, oak savannas, rocky woodlands.Wc. IN, IL, e. IA south through MO, e. KS, c. and w. AR, OK to se. and c. TX.image of plant
AgavaceaeCamassia scilloidesWild Hyacinth, Quamash Lily, Eastern Camas LilyMoist forests, over circumneutral soils, in GA, VA, and WV on limestone, in NC on slopes and natural levees along the Roanoke River, in SC over gabbro, and westward in circumneutral prairies, oak savannas, calcareous glades and woodlands.W. PA and s. ON west to s. WI and e. KS, south to nw. GA (Jones & Coile 1988) and TX, nearly entirely west of the Blue Ridge, with only a few disjunct occurrences in the Piedmont and Coastal Plain.

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