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6 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
SolanaceaeDatura feroxFierce ThornappleCultivated fields, waste areas.Native of South America.image of plant
SolanaceaeDatura innoxiaIndian-appleDisturbed areas.Native of Mexico.image of plant
SolanaceaeDatura metelAngel's-trumpet, Moonflower, Indian-appleDisturbed areas.Native of s. Mexico and Central America.image of plant
SolanaceaeDatura quercifoliaOakleaf Thorn-appleSandy and clayey open areas.Native of sw. US and Mexico (Chihuahuan Desert). Reported for sw. GA by Jones & Coile (1988).image of plant
SolanaceaeDatura stramoniumJimsonweed, Thornapple, Stramonium, Stinkwort, Mad-appleFields, pastures, disturbed areas, especially common in severely over-grazed pastures; presumably introduced from farther south and west (Mexico or Central America) prior to 1492.Native of c. and s. Mexico, now nearly worldwide in distribution.image of plant
SolanaceaeDatura wrightiiIndian-apple, Sacred Datura, Angel's TrumpetDisturbed areas.Native of Mexico.image of plant

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