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4 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeDiplachne acuminataWet saline areas; eastwards along salted highways.Native of c. and w. North America. Reported as adventive in PA and along highways in WV from halophytic habitats of w. United States (Cusick 1994)
PoaceaeDiplachne fascicularisBearded SprangletopFreshwater marshes (in s. FL), beds of artificial impoundments, brackish habitats, disturbed areas.Widespread in e. North America, primarily west of the Appalachians (adventive farther east), and extending into South America. Reported (as L. fascicularis) for SC by Nelson & Kelly (1997).image of plant
PoaceaeDiplachne maritimaSalt-meadow GrassFresh to brackish marshes, overwash flats, other disturbed brackish habitats.Along the coast from s. NH south to se. NC.
PoaceaeDiplachne uninerviaMexican SprangletopWet, muddy areas, especially alkaline or saline; adventive eastwards and northwards.Widespread in the Western Hemisphere. Reported for SC by Nelson & Kelly (1997). Reported for s. IN by Bill Thomas (pers.comm., 2022).image of plant

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