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4 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
EricaceaeHypopitys lanuginosaAppalachian Red Pinesap, Hairy PinesapAcid forests.ME and VT south to GA and AL (and more widespread, the precise distribution uncertain). Apparently widely distributed in eastern North America, but the precise distribution unknown. This and H. lanuginosa are mapped the same for now, as they are being disentangled.image of plant
EricaceaeHypopitys species 1Midwestern PinesapForests.
EricaceaeHypopitys species 2Florida PinesapForests.N. FL to c. peninsular FL.
EricaceaeHypopitys species 3Common Eastern PinesapForests.Apparently widely distributed in eastern North America, but the precise distribution unknown. This and H. lanuginosa are mapped the same for now, as they are being disentangled.image of plant

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