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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ScrophulariaceaeScrophularia auriculataShoreline Figwortimage of plant
ScrophulariaceaeScrophularia caninaDog Figwortimage of plant
ScrophulariaceaeScrophularia lanceolataAmerican FigwortMesic to dry upland forests, shale barrens, clearings.QC and NS west to BC, south to SC, TN, MO, NM, and n. CA.image of plant
ScrophulariaceaeScrophularia marilandicaEastern FigwortMoist to dry, nutrient-rich woodlands and forests, especially over mafic or calcareous rocks.QC west to MN, south to SC, ne. GA, Panhandle FL, LA, and ne. TX.image of plant
ScrophulariaceaeScrophularia nodosaWoodland Figwort, European FigwortDisturbed areas, formerly on ballast.Native of Eurasia.image of plant

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