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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
FabaceaeSenegalia berlandieriGuajilloIn scrub and woodlands on limestone and caliche.S. TX and w. TX south to Mexico.image of plant
FabaceaeSenegalia greggiiCatclaw, Devil's Claws, Paradise FlowerChaparral.W. OK, NM, sw. UT, and CA south through s. TX and AZ to Mexico.image of plant
FabaceaeSenegalia pennata ssp. insuavisClimbing WattleAbandoned agricultural fields, disturbed areas.Native of se. Asia.
FabaceaeSenegalia roemerianaCatclaw, Roemer AcaciaRocky or sandy areas.C. and w. TX and s. NM south to Mexico.image of plant
FabaceaeSenegalia wrightiiCatclaw, Wright Acacia, Uña de GatoBrush, chaparral, woodlands.Nc. TX south through c. TX to s. TX and Mexico.image of plant

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