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2 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PoaceaeStenotaphrum dimidiatumPemba GrassEscaped from experimental plantings.Native of tropical Africa and s. Asia.
PoaceaeStenotaphrum secundatumSt. Augustine Grass, Carpet Grass, Shore GrassBrackish and freshwater tidal marshes, roadsides, dunes, lawns.A pioneer species of beaches and shores, S. secundatum was known from the Carolinas prior to 1800. It has been interpreted as native or introduced in our area; its original range is probably now impossible to determine. Sauer (1972) maps it as widespread along the coasts of s. North America, Central America, South America, the West Indies, Africa, Australia, and sw. Pacific Islands. In our area it is certainly now more frequently encountered as a lawn or roadside grass than in anything that could be construed as a natural habitat. The other 6 species in the genus are Asian, or on islands of the sw. Pacific or Indian Oceans.image of plant

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