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5 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
LamiaceaeVitex agnus-castusChaste-treePastures, woodland edges, suburban woodlands.Native of Mediterranean Europe.image of plant
LamiaceaeVitex glabrataSmooth Chaste-treeDisturbed areas.Native of Asia and Australia.
LamiaceaeVitex negundoChinese Chaste-treeDisturbed areas, road shoulders.Native of China. Reported for FL, MS, LA, KY, with uncertain documentation. See Barger et al. (2012) for additional discussion of this species in AL.image of plant
LamiaceaeVitex rotundifoliaBeach Vitex, Roundleaf Chaste-treeCoastal dunes, planted for ornament and stabilization and now spreading aggressively as an invasive species.Native of e. Asia, se. Asia, and nearby islands.image of plant
LamiaceaeVitex trifoliaThree-leaf Chaste-treeDisturbed areas.Native of e. and se. Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands.image of plant

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