
The Flora of the Southeastern United States was created by Alan S. Weakley and the Southeastern Flora Team:

M. Lee, S. Ward, C. Ludwig, B. Sorrie, D. Poindexter, E. Ungberg, R. LeBlond, J. Kees, C.A. McCormick, S. Oberreiter, D. Ledesma, R. Lance, H. Ballard, R. Carter, M. Pyne, W. Knapp, K. Bradley, S. Zona, W. Barger, L. Musselman, P. Schafran, D. Spaulding, J. Nelson, E. Keith, G. Fleming, D. Estes, L. Majure, H. Medford, E. Bridges, R. Folk, Z. Murrell, R. Peet, J. Townsend, G. Nesom, A. Floden, J. Horn, E. Schilling, J. Triplett, T. Murphy, Z. Irick, K. Schoonover McClelland, M. Alford, M. Brock, and others.

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU)
North Carolina Botanical Garden
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Campus Box 3280
Chapel Hill NC 27599-3280

Produced from the Flora Manager database system
by Michael T. Lee


If you find an error, need help, or have ideas, we'd love to hear from you at flora@office.unc.edu.