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Key to Ranunculus

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1 Petals dull, white; achenes roughly transverse-ridged; plants aquatic, the leaves finely dissected to merely shallowly lobed; [native, occurring in circumneutral waters]; [subgenus Auricomus; section Batrachium]
1 Petals shiny, yellow (sometimes fading or bleaching to whitish); achenes usually not transverse-ridged (though often variously ornamented); plants aquatic or terrestrial, the leaves various; [native or introduced, occurring in various habitats].
  2 Cauline leaves all simple, mostly lanceolate, either entire, denticulate, or serrate, but not lobed or deeply divided; [native, occurring in marshes or other wetlands]; [subgenus Auricomus; section Flammula]
  2 Cauline leaves (at least most them) lobed, divided, or compound; [native or introduced, occurring in various habitats].
    3 Basal leaves not divided, mostly cordate, reniform, or ovate (and merely toothed), distinctly unlike the deeply divided cauline leaves; achenes turgid, ovoid, 1-2.5 mm long, without pronounced marginal rims; petals 1.5-6.5 mm long; [native, occurring in mesic to dry forests and woodlands, and also (especially R. abortivus) weedy]; [subgenus Auricomus; section Auricomus]
    3 Basal leaves mostly deeply parted or compound, the cauline leaves generally similar but smaller and often less divided; achenes various, 1-5 mm long, with or without pronounced marginal rims; petals 2-15 mm long; [native or introduced, occurring in various habitats].
      4 Achenes markedly spiny, papillose, or tuberculate (the protuberances few and small in R. sardous, keyed both here and below); [introduced, usually weedy and in disturbed habitats]
      4 Achenes smooth (rarely pubescent or papillose); [native or introduced, occurring in various habitats].
        5 Achenes turgid, 1-1.5 (-2) mm long, the marginal rims scarcely or not at all evident, the achenes corky-thickened at their bases for dispersal by floating; [of mucky marshes or ditches, or aquatic in pools]; [subgenus Auricomus; section Hecatonia]
        5 Achenes moderately turgid or flattened, 1.5-3.8 mm long, with a pronounced (at 10× or more) marginal rim appearing as a differentiated border or flange, more-or-less flattened, and separated from the central bulge of the achene by a concavity or even a groove, the achenes not corky-thickened at their bases; [of mostly terrestrial habitats or in bottomland forests]