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Key to Fabaceae
1 Trees, shrubs, or woody vines; [subfamilies Caesalpinioideae, Mimosoideae, and Faboideae] | |
2 Leaves 1-3-foliolate, or leaves reduced to flattened phyllodia or phyllodial spines. | |
3 Leaves pinnately compound. | |
1 Herbs (including herbaceous vines). | |
6 Leaves palmately compound, with 4 or more leaflets; [subfamily Faboideae] | |
7 Leaves pinnately compound | |
10 Leaves unifoliolate, or with leaf or leaflet blades absent, replaced by a tendril (and with foliaceous stipules) | |
10 Leaves trifoliolate (plants with some upper stem or lower stem leaves unifoliolate but with other trifoliolate leaves should be keyed here). | |