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Key to Carphephorus

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1 Heads small, the involucre 3.5-6 mm high, with 5-12 phyllaries; leaves without shining punctate glands (except punctate-glandular in Litrisa carnosa, of the FL peninsula).
  2 Stem with punctate glands; peduncles punctate-glandular and also hirsutulous; pappus bristles in 2 series; [of FL peninsula]
  2 Stem eglandular, glabrous or spreading-hirsute; peduncles glabrous or stipitate-glandular; pappus bristles in 1 series; [widespread in the Coastal Plain].
1 Heads larger, the involucre 6-15 mm high, with 15-40 phyllaries; leaves with conspicuous (at least at 10× magnification) resin dots.
      4 Leaves linear, the widest 1-3 mm wide; [sw. GA west through the East Gulf Coastal Plain]
      4 Leaves oblancolate, the widest 7-40 mm wide; [se. VA south to Panhandle FL and FL peninsula].
        5 Stem glabrous or nearly so, the pubescence (if present) short and appressed; surfaces of the basal leaves glabrous; inflorescence corymbiform
        5 Stem conspicuously spreading hirsute, at least on the lower part of the stem; surfaces of the basal leaves conspicuously pubescent to glabrous; inflorescence corymbiform or thyrsoid-paniculate.
          6 Stems, peduncles, phyllaries, and corollas eglandular; phyllaries glabrous on the back; phyllaries subacute to rounded, entire to erose; [se. SC south to Panhandle FL]
          6 Stems, peduncles, phyllaries, and corollas gland-dotted; phyllaries viscid-pubescent on the back; phyllaries acute to subacute, entire; [se. VA south to e. GA]

Key to Trilisa

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1 Stem densely spreading-pubescent; capitulescence a cylindrical thyrsoid panicle; leaves (0.5-) 1-3 (-4) cm wide
1 Stem glabrous; capitulescence corymbose, the lateral branches equaling or overtopping the central ones; leaves 1-6 (-11) cm wide.
  2 Fresh plants with a strong odor of coumarin/vanilla; basal leaves usually > 15 cm long and > 5 cm wide; midstem leaves broadly elliptic, the apex flared away from the stem, the margins often shallowly toothed; inflorescence 1.5-3× as tall as broad, the primary inflorescence branches diverging from the main axis at a 10-20° angle; heads mostly with 7-10 flowers; of c. peninsular FL northwards to se. NC and northwestwards to e. LA]
  2 Fresh plants with very slight or no odor of coumarin/vanilla; basal leaves < 15 cm long and < 4 cm wide; midstem leaves narrowly elliptic, tightly clasping the stem, the margins entire; inflorescence 0.5-1× as tall as broad, the primary inflorescence branches diverging from the main axis at a 30-45° angle; heads mostly with 10-14 flowers; [of c. peninsular FL south to s. FL]
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