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Key to Hexalectris

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1 Tepals (lip and 5 non-lip) 7-13 mm long; capsules (at maturity) ca. 15 mm long; column 6-8 mm long; [TX and westwards]
1 Tepals (lip and 5 non-lip) 12-23 mm long; capsules (at maturity) 16-30 mm long; column 11-18 mm long; [collectively widespread].
  2 Flowers usually not opening (cleistogamous); highest keels of the lip 0.4-0.7 mm high; column without a rostellar flap separating the pollen masses from the stigmatic surface; [TX westwards]
  2 Flowers usually opening (chasmogamous); highest keels of the lip (0.4-) 0.7-1.0 mm high; column with a rostellar flap separating the pollen masses from the stigmatic surface; [widespread in our region]