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Key to Tradescantia

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1 Bracts subtending flowers boat-like, strongly differentiated from (unlike) the leaves; leaves usually longitudinally green-and-pink striped; [subgenus Campelia].
1 Bracts subtending flowers similar in shape and size to foliage leaves; leaves usually solid green, purplish-green, or purple, or if longitudinally striped, dark-green-and-silver.
  2 Flowers nearly sessile; petals clawed, the claws fused basally; stamens epipetalous.
    3 Leaf blade longitudinally striped with dark green and silver; leaves tending to be 2-ranked; [subgenus Campelia]
    3 Leaf blade not variegated, purple, purplish-green, or green on upper surface; leaves spirally arrayed; [subgenus Setcreasea]
      4 Leaves oblong-elliptic to ovate, mostly 3-7 cm long; peduncle 3-5.5 cm long; leaves green; [s. TX, native]
      4 Leaves oblong-elliptic to lanceolate-elliptic, mostly 7-15 cm long; peduncle (3.5-) 4-13 cm long; leaves usually purplish violet; [deep South, exotic]
  2 Flowers distinctly pedicelled; petals neither clawed nor connate; stamens not adnate to the petals.
        5 Plant sprawling, rooting at the nodes; leaves 2.5-5 cm long, < 4× as long as wide; [exotic]; [subgenus Austrotradescantia].
          6 Stems glabrous; leaf-sheaths glabrous (except the densely setose margin); leaf blades membranous to slightly fleshy, abaxially light to medium green; pedicels glabrous to distally sparsely glandular-pubescent; sepals with hairs restricted to the keels; petals plicate
          6 Stems finely strigose; leaf-sheaths strigose (and the margin setose); leaf blades chartaceous, abaxially completely to partially wine-red; pedicels velutinous, sometimes with some odd glandular hairs; sepals evenly velutinous (hairs sometimes deciduous in dried specimens); petals flat
        5 Plant erect or ascending, not rooting at the nodes; leaves > 4 cm long, > 5× as long as wide; [native]; [subgenus Tradescantia].
             7 Leaf blades of the upper stem constricted at their bases to a narrower subpetiolar sheath, the opened sheath narrower than the leaf blade; leaf blades 6-27 cm long, 1.0-5.0 cm wide, mostly < 10× as long as wide; stomates much more abundant on the lower leaf surface than on the upper, giving the lower surface a much paler color.
               8 Pedicels 10-17 mm long; proximal leaves petiolate; stems frequently flexuous, usually obviously zigzag; sepals 4-10 mm long; plants flowering mainly May--Sep; [WV, OH, IN, IL, MO south to e. SC, s. GA, Panhandle FL, s. AL, s. MS, and s. LA]
               8 Pedicels (15-32 mm long; proximal leaves narrowed directly into sheath; stems not flexuous, usually straight or subtly zigzag; sepals 8-16 mm long; plants flowering mainly Feb--May; [MO, AR, OK, TX; disjunct eastwards in n. and c. AL and nw. MS].
                 9 Leaves dark green; sepals 9-16 mm long, inflated; hairs of the sepals not gland-tipped; flowers usually deep blue, purple, or rose-red
                 9 Leaves glaucous or gray-green to light green; sepals 6-10 mm long, not inflated; hairs of the sepals (at least some of them) gland-tipped (use 10× or higher magnification).
                   10 Leaves ± glaucous; capsules 6-8 mm long; [of AR, MO]
             7 Leaf blades of the upper stem not constricted to a subpetiolar sheath, the opened sheath about as wide or wider than the leaf blade; leaf blades 4-45 cm long, 0.2-2.8 (-4.5) cm wide, mostly > 10× as long as wide; stomates slightly more abundant on the lower leaf surface than on the upper, or about equally distributed on the two surfaces, the lower surface slightly to not at all paler than the upper.
                     11 Sepals glabrous or the tip with a tuft of eglandular hairs (use 10× magnification).
                       12 Plants distinctly glaucous; leaves 5-45 cm long, arcing, at an acute angle to the stem
                       12 Plants green or slightly glaucous; leaves 4-11 cm long, straight, at nearly right angles to the stem
                     11 Sepals pubescent (use 10× magnification).
                              15 Flowering stems 2-7 cm long (elongating to 20 cm long in fruit), pilose to villous; sepals purple or rose-colored (rarely pale green), not inflated; [of rocky prairies]
                              15 Flowering stems 5-50 cm long, glabrous to pilose or hirsute; sepals various; [habitat various, but rarely rocky prairies].
                                16 Stems usually hirsute or pilose throughout; roots 1.0-1.5 (-2.0) mm thick; sepals not inflated-turgid
                                16 Stems glabrous, or sparsely puberulent on the upper stem only; roots (1.5-) 2.0-4.0 mm thick; sepals usually inflated-turgid
                                       19 Pedicels 2.5-4.5 cm long; at least some roots thick and tuberous; [nc. and c. TX]
                                           21 Stems erect or ascending, unbranched or sparsely branched, 30-105 cm long; [AR to LA and TX]
                                             22 Plants erect or ascending; stems unbranched or sparsely branched; [collectively widespread].
                                                 24 Sepals pilose-puberulent, longer hairs 1.5-6 mm long; roots relatively stout, 1-3 mm thick.
                                                      26 Stems (2-)15-40 cm long; pedicels 1.5-3.5 cm long; leaves and bracts puberulent, usually sparsely to densely pilose, margins ± densely ciliolate; [relatively widespread in our region, NC south to GA, west to OK and ne. TX]
                                                      26 Stems 2-10 cm long; pedicels (2-)4-6 cm long; leaves, bracts pilose but not puberulent, margins sparsely ciliate; [Interior Highlands]