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1 Perigynia (8.3-) 10.5-15.6 mm long, 4-7× as long as wide. | |
3 Pistillate scales usually awned (rarely merely cuspidate); pistillate scales (including the awn, if present) 0.5-1.2× as long as the perigynia; widest leaves of vegetative shoots 8-18 (-21) mm wide; pistillate spikes normally not staminate at apex (rarely with a few staminate flowers); [primarily of the Mountains and Piedmont] | |
3 Pistillate scales acute or long-acuminate (rarely short-awned); pistillate scales (including the awn, if present) 0.3-0.6× as long as the perigynia; larger leaves mostly 4-12 mm wide; pistillate spikes normally staminate at apex; [primarily of the Coastal Plain] |