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Key to Pilea

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1 Leaf margins entire; leaves 0.1-1.0 (-1.8) cm long, the 2 leaves of a pair slightly to strongly unequal in size.
  2 Plant prostrate; achenes ca. 0.4 mm long
  2 Plant erect to ascending; achenes 0.5-1.1 mm long.
    3 Herbs, stems to 2 dm long; leaves spatulate to obovate, their bases all cuneate to rounded; achene surfaces smooth; [FL peninsula and more widely scattered north to VA, AR, AR, and TX]
    3 Shrubs or subshrubs, stems to 5 dm long; leaves obovate to orbiculate, the smaller leaves of each pair typically cordate at the base; achene surfaces pebbled; [FL peninsula]
1 Leaf margins dentate; leaves 2-13 cm long, the 2 leaves of a pair equal in size.
      4 Leaves planar to slightly rugose (the 'topography' of the leaf < 1 mm high); leaves green, not variegated; [natives, collectively widespread in our region].
        5 Achenes 1-1.5× as long as broad, pebbled, dark brown, dark purple, or black, the margins slightly paler; leaves usually matte or slightly shiny; odor of fresh achenes clean, cucumbery, with citrus notes
        5 Achenes 1.5-2× as long as broad, smooth, green or light brown, with slightly raised dark to black lines and mottlings; leaves usually shiny; odor of fresh achenes acrid, "burnt peanut buttery"
      4 Leaves strongly rugose, the areas between secondary and tertiary veins strongly raised (the 'topography' of the leaf > 1 mm high); leaves green or variegated with silver and/or brown; [cultivated ornamentals, rarely found as waifs]
          6 Leaf apices acuminate; leaves usually variegated with silver and/or brown