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Key to Psychotria

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1 Lower leaf surfaces punctate with conspicuous dark dots (nodules of nitrogen-fixing bacteria); leaf apex obtuse to rounded; [rarely naturalized exotic]
1 Lower leaf surfaces not punctate; leaf apex acute to acuminate; [collectively common natives].
  2 Inflorescences with a single peduncle from each leaf axil; upper (fresh) leaf surface medium green, matte to slightly glossy; calyx with 5 obvious triangular lobes
  2 Inflorescences with several peduncles from each leaf axil; upper (fresh) leaf surface either strongly glossy or grayish-green; calyx either with 5 obvious triangular lobes or nearly truncate, with 5 obscure teeth or undulations.
    3 Upper (fresh) leaf surface strongly glossy; calyx with 5 obscure teeth or undulations; twigs usually glabrous; corolla white; stone of fruit with shallow ridges
    3 Upper (fresh) leaf surface grayish-green; calyx with 5 obvious triangular lobes; twigs densely pubescent; corolla greenish-white; stone of fruit strongly ridged