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Key to Samolus

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1 Pedicels with a minute bract near the middle; corollas 1.2-3 mm long (2-3 mm across); leaves extending into the inflorescence; calyx lobes equaling or shorter than tube; staminodes present
1 Pedicels ebracteate; corollas 3-7.5 mm long (5-7 mm across); leaves all below the inflorescence; calyx lobes equaling or longer than tube; staminodes absent.
  2 Corolla tubes (1.5-) 1.8-2.7 (-3.5) mm long (measured on dry material; fresh material about 10% longer); styles 0.5-1.5 (-2.0) mm long (most easily seen on immature fruits); [inland in saturated, freshwater habitats (primarily calcareous), from sc. KS through OK to TX Coastal Plain, Edwards Plateau, Rio Grande Valley, and Mexico]
  2 Corolla tubes (2.5-) 2.7-3.8 (-4.3) mm long; styles (1.0-) 1.5-2.2 (-2.6) mm long; coastal in dry to wet habitats, collectively either brackish, sandy, or calcareous].
    3 Glands of the inflorescence rachises, pedicels, and calyx bases sessile or very slightly raised; [sw. LA, coastal TX, south into Mexico]
    3 Glands of the inflorescence rachises, pedicels, and calyx bases stipitate, 0.03-0.13 mm long; [FL, West Indies]