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2 Fruit indehiscent; seeds 1-6 per capsule, 1.5-3.5 mm long; [subfamily Onagroideae; tribe Onagreae] | |
3 Seeds with an elongate coma at one end (wind-dispersed); petals pink or white; [subfamily Onagroideae; tribe Epilobieae]. | |
3 Seeds not comose (gravity-dispersed); petals yellow or absent (rarely white or pink). | |
5 Calyx tube not extended beyond the summit of the ovary; sepals persistent on the capsule (rarely deciduous); stamens 4, 8, or 10-14; petals yellow or absent; [primarily of wetlands]; [subfamily Ludwigioideae] | |
5 Calyx tube extended beyond the summit of the ovary; sepals deciduous; stamens 8; petals yellow (rarely pink or white); [primarily of uplands]; [subfamily Onagroideae; tribe Onagreae] |