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Map legend

The map shows distribution within the Flora area symbolically, with each state × physiographic province area. The native/alien status of the taxon is shown by squares for native occurrence and triangles for alien occurrence. Note that some species have distributions including both alien and native distributions, so Dionaea muscipula for instance is native in the Coastal Plain of NC and SC, but alien in the Coastal Plain of FL and NJ. In the lower left and right corners are spaces that also provide distributional information. If the species is endemic to the Flora region, you will see "EN." If the species is alien, the region of the world to which it is native is listed in the species account, not in the map (as is the case in the PDF flora). If the species is native but not endemic, you will see a compass rose. Seven arrows depict the native distribution of the taxon outside of the Flora region. Arrows can be long (common at least somewhere in that region), or short (only uncommon or rare in that region).

 NativeMaybe ExoticExotic
Common Your browser does not support SVGs Your browser does not support SVGs Your browser does not support SVGs
Uncommon Your browser does not support SVGs Your browser does not support SVGs Your browser does not support SVGs
RareYour browser does not support SVGs Your browser does not support SVGs Your browser does not support SVGs
No (rejected)NNN

The regions to which the eight arrows point are:

  • N arrow -- ne. North America (NY, n. OH,, n. IN, n. IL, and n. MO northwards, including New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Québec, and Ontario)
  • NW arrow - nw. North America (NE, WY, ID, and OR northwards, including Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Columbia, Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut, and Alaska)
  • W arrow -- sw. United States (portions of KS, OK, and TX not treated as part of our region, and westwards through CO, NM, UT, AZ, and NV to CA)
  • SW arrow -- Mexico (excluding the southeasternmost states [Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas], which are considered biogeographically more allied with Central America and South America)
  • S arrow -- se. Mexico states (Yucatán, Quintana Roo, Campeche, Tabasco, Chiapas), Central America and South America
  • SE arrow (dashed to indicate oversea) -- West Indies (including The Bahamas, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles) and Bermuda
  • E arrow (dashed to indicate oversea) -- Asia and/or Africa
  • NE arrow (dashed to indicate oversea) -- Europe
Map shows parts of world represented by arrows (click to enlarge):