For Betula
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Järvinen, P., A. Palmé, L. Orlando Morales, M. Lännenpää, M. Keinänen, T. Sopanen, and M. Lascoux. 2004. Phylogenetic relationships of Betula species (Betulaceae) based on nuclear ADH and chloroplast matK sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 91: 1834-1845. Google Scholar
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Schenk, M.F., C.-N. Thienpont, W.J.M. Koopman, L.J.W.J. Gilissen, and M.J.M. Smulders. 2008. Phylogenetic relationships in Betula (Betulaceae) based on AFLP markers. Tree Genetics & Genomes 4: 911-924. Google Scholar