For Casuarina
Johnson, L.A.S., and K.L. Wilson. 1993. Casuarinaceae. Pp. 237-242 In Kubitzki, K., J.G. Rohwer, and V. Bittrich, eds. 1993. The families and genera of vascular plants. II. Flowering plants – Dicotyledons – Magnoliid, Hamamelid and Caryophyllid families. Springer, Berlin. 653 pp. Google Scholar
Rogers, G.K. 1982c. The Casuarinaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arb. 63(4):357-373. Google Scholar
Wilson, K.L. 1997b. Casuarinaceae. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 1997. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 3, Magnoliophyta: Magnoliidae and Hamamelidae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 590 pp. Google Scholar