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For Cornus

Eyde, R.H. 1987. The case for keeping Cornus in the broad Linnaean sense. Syst. Bot. 12: 505-518. Google Scholar

Fan, C., and Q.-Y. (Jenny) Xiang. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships within Cornus (Cornaceae) based on 26S rDNA sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 88: 1131-1138. Google Scholar

Ferguson, I.K. 1966c. Notes on the nomenclature of Cornus. J. Arnold. Arb. 47: 100-105. Google Scholar

Ferguson, I.K. 1966d. The Cornaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arb. 47: 106-116. Google Scholar

Godfrey, R.K. 1988. Trees, shrubs, and woody vines of northern Florida and adjacent Georgia and Alabama. University of Georgia Press, Athens. Google Scholar

Kubitzki, K., ed. 2004. The families and genera of vascular plants. VI. Flowering plants – Dicotyledons – Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales. Springer, Berlin. 489 pp. Google Scholar

Murrell, Z.E. 1993. Phylogenetic relationships in Cornus (Cornaceae). Systematic Botany 18: 469-495. Google Scholar

Murrell, Z.E., and D.B. Poindexter. 2016. Cornaceae. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2016. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 12, Magnoliophyta: Vitaceae to Garryaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 603 pp. Google Scholar

Pais, A.L., R.W. Whetten, and Q.-Y. (J.) Xiang. 2016. Ecological genomics of local adaptation in Cornus florida L. by genotyping by sequencing. Ecology and Evolution, 00: 1–25. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2623 Google Scholar

Wilson, J.S. 1965. Variation of three taxonomic complexes of the genus Cornus in eastern United States. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 67: 747-817. Google Scholar

Xiang, Q.-Y. (J.), D.T. Thomas, W. Zhang, S.R. Manchester, and Z. Murrell. 2006. Species level phylogeny of the genus Cornus (Cornaceae) based on molecular and morphological evidence – implications for taxonomy and Tertiary intercontinental migration. Taxon 55: 9-30. Google Scholar

Xiang, Q.-Y. (Jenny), D.E. Soltis, and P.S. Soltis. 1998. Phylogenetic relationships of Cornaceae and close relatives inferred from matK and rbcL sequences. Amer. J. Bot. 85: 285-297. Google Scholar

Zhang, W., Q.-Y. (J.) Xiang, D.T. Thomas, B.M. Wiegmann, M.W. Frohlich, and D.E. Soltis. 2008. Molecular evolution of PISTILLATA-like genes in the dogwood genus Cornus (Cornaceae). Molec. Phylogen. Evol. 47: 175-195. Google Scholar