For Primula
Fassett, N.C. 1944. Dodecatheon in eastern North America. Amer. Midland Naturalist 31: 455-486. Google Scholar
Kelso, S. 2009b. Primula. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2009. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 8, Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 585 pp. Google Scholar
Mast, A.R., and J.L. Reveal. 2007. Transfer of Dodecatheon to Primula (Primulaceae). Brittonia 59: 79-82. Google Scholar
Mast, A.R., D.M.S. Feller, S. Kelso, and E. Conti. 2004. Buzz-pollinated Dodecatheon originated from within the heterostylous Primula subgenus Auriculastrum (Primulaceae): a seven-region cpDNA phylogeny and its implications for floral evolution. Amer. J. Bot. 91: 926-942. Google Scholar
Oberle, B., and E.J. Esselman. 2011. Fruit and seed charactershelp distinguish southern Illinois Dodecatheon (Primulaceae) species and highlight unusual intergrading populations. Rhodora 113: 280-299. Google Scholar
Reveal, J.L. 2009. Dodecatheon. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 2009. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 8, Magnoliophyta: Paeoniaceae to Ericaceae. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 585 pp. Google Scholar
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