Family | Scientific Name | Common Name | Habitat | Distribution | Image |
Orchidaceae | Corallorhiza bentleyi | | Dry-mesic to mesic forests. | E. WV (Monroe and Pocahontas counties) and w. VA (Giles, Alleghany, and Bath counties). |
Orchidaceae | Corallorhiza maculata var. maculata | Eastern Spotted Coralroot, Summer Coralroot | Moist forests, northern hardwood forests. | Var. maculata is irregularly distributed in much of North America, primarily northern, from NL (Newfoundland) QC, and MN south to PA, OH, and IN, and south in the Appalachians to ne. GA, in the west from BC south to s. CA, s. AZ, and s. NM. |
Orchidaceae | Corallorhiza maculata var. occidentalis | Western Spotted Coralroot | Moist forests. | Var. occidentalis (Lindley) Ames has a distribution similar to var. maculata, except that in the east it ranges south only to PA, s. ON, and WI, with disjunct populations in e. WV (Pocahontas County; Morton et al. 2004) and VA. |
Orchidaceae | Corallorhiza odontorhiza | Autumn Coralroot | Mesic to dry forests, especially under oaks. | The cleistogamous form (or recognized as var. odontorhiza) is the more common, and is widespread in e. North America, from ME, NY, s. ON, MI, and MN south to SC, c. GA, ne. FL, c. AL, n. MS, c. AR, and e. OK. |
Orchidaceae | Corallorhiza trifida | Early Coralroot, Pale Coralroot | Boreal forests, bogs, peaty swamps, basic seepage swamps, black ash-hemlock and red spruce-hemlock swamps. | NL (Labrador) to AK, south to DC {specimen at NCU}, MD, WV, PA, NJ (Magrath & Freudenstein in FNA 2002, Kartesz 1999), VA (Virginia Botanical Associates 2015; J. Townsend, pers. comm., 2015), allegedly GA (Small 1933), OH, IN, IL, SD, NM, CA. |
Orchidaceae | Corallorhiza wisteriana | Spring Coralroot | Moist to dry forests, usually in base-rich soils. | NJ, PA, OH, IN, IL, MO, and OK south to c. peninsular FL, and TX, and also in the Rockies from MT and w. SD south to s. Mexico. |