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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeAcmella decumbens var. decumbensWaif on ballast.Native of South America. Known in our region from a single collection at Camden, NJ.image of plant
AsteraceaeAcmella pilosaHairy SpotflowerDisturbed areas.Native of Mexico and Central America.image of plant
AsteraceaeAcmella pusillaArgentine SpotflowerLawns, disturbed areas (especially around old seaports).Native of South America. Known from scattered locations in the se. United States (NC, SC, GA, FL), associated with old seaports, such as Wilmington, NC, Savannah, GA, Pensacola and Apalachicola, FL, and perhaps not well-established at some of the reported locations. Reported as naturalized and "locally common" at a site in Chatham County, GA (Carter, Baker, & Morris 2009).image of plant
AsteraceaeAcmella repensCreeping SpotflowerFloating vegetation mats, blackwater levee and swamp forests, roadsides, streambanks, other moist, open, habitats.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to e. TX, north in the Mississippi Embayment to w. TN and s. MO.image of plant