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2 results More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
ApiaceaeAmmoselinum butleriButler’s Sand-ParsleyBottomlands and mesic forests; eastwards in lawns, disturbed places, impoundment shores.MO and se. KS south through AR and OK to LA and s. TX. Boufford (1977) reported the naturalization of this diminutive midwestern umbel on a grassy, weed-covered slope in NC, and it has since been reported from additional southeastern states, including MS (Bryson 1991), AL (Keener 2007), and KY (H.E. Ballard, Jr., 2013, pers.comm.).image of plant
ApiaceaeAmmoselinum popeiPope’s Sand-Parsley, Plains Sand-ParsleyLimestone barrens, open gravelly areas.KS, OK, TX, and NM south to ne. Mexico (COA, NLE, TAM); disjunct and apparently native in the Nashville Basin of c. TN.image of plant