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17 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
AsteraceaeCentaurea ×moncktoniiMeadow KnapweedRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe. Poindexter, Weakley, & Denslow (2011) report its naturalization in Alleghany Co. NC.
AsteraceaeCentaurea ×varnensisDisturbed areas, along railroads and in cemeteries.
AsteraceaeCentaurea asperaRough Star-ThistlePort waif from the 19th century.Native of Europe.
AsteraceaeCentaurea benedictaBlessed-thistleFields, roadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea calcitrapaPurple Star-thistle, CaltropsRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea cinerariaDusty Miller, Silver Knapweed, Velvet CentaureaProbably only a waif.Native of Mediterranean Europe.
AsteraceaeCentaurea diffusaTumble Knapweed, White-flowered KnapweedRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.
AsteraceaeCentaurea dilutaNorth African KnapweedDisturbed areas, probably only a waif in our region.Native of sw. Europe and n. Africa.
AsteraceaeCentaurea jaceaBrown KnapweedRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe. This species is increasing rapidly in the VA Ridge and Valley. Reported for Alleghany County, NC (Poindexter, Weakley, & Denslow 2011).image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea macrocephalaWaif on ore piles.Native of w. Asia and e. Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea melitensisMaltese Star-thistleRoadsides, disturbed areas, eastwards as a ballast and mill waif (waste areas near wool-combing mills, ballast near old seaports).Native of Mediterranean Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea nigraBlack Knapweed, Spanish-buttonsRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea nigrescensTyrol Knapweed, Short-fringed KnapweedRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe. This species is increasing rapidly in the n. VA Piedmont. Poindexter, Weakley, & Denslow (2011) report the naturalization of C. nigrescens in Alleghany Co. NC.image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea phrygiaWig KnapweedDisturbed areas, persistent or spread from seed mixes.Native of Europe. Reported for GA Piedmont in Zomlefer et al. (2018). Reported for VA in FNA.image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea scabiosaGreater Knapweed, HardheadsDisturbed areas.Native of Europe. Naturalized in KY, PA, NJ (FNA), and other states in e. North America.
AsteraceaeCentaurea solstitialisBarnaby's-thistle, Yellow Star-thistleRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Mediterranean Europe. First reported for SC by Hill & Horn (1997).image of plant
AsteraceaeCentaurea stoebe ssp. micranthosSpotted Knapweed, Bushy KnapweedRoadsides, disturbed areas.Native of Europe.image of plant

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