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9 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
OnagraceaeEpilobium brachycarpumRailroad yards, a waif.QC, ON, and BC south to MN, w. NE, NM, AZ, CA, and Mexico.image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium ciliatum ssp. ciliatumAmerican Willow-herbBogs, seeps, disturbed wet places (such as moist edges of logging roads).NL (Newfoundland) and NL (Labrador) west to AK, south to VA, w. NC, nw. SC (Bradley et al. [in prep.]), ne. TN, IN, IA, CA, TX, Mexico, Central America; disjunct in Chile and Argentina.image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosumNorthern Willow-herbSeeps, other wet habitats.NL west to AK, south to n. NJ, NY, n. OH, MI, WI, MN, SD, NM, AZ, CA; e. Asia.image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium coloratumBronze Willow-herb, Eastern Willow-herbSeepages, streambanks, other moist open places.ME west to MN, south to NC, n. GA, AL, AR, and TX; allegedly disjunct in Hispaniola.image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium densumNortheastern Willow-herb, Downy Willow-herb, Soft Willow-herbMarshes, bogs.QC west to MN, south to s. NJ, n. VA (?), WV, OH, IN, c. IL, and IA. Reported for Arlington County, VA; the single record is regarded as questionable.image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium hirsutumHairy Willow-herbDisturbed areas.Native of Eurasia. Naturalized south to s. PA (Rhoads & Klein 1993; Rhoads & Block 2007), MD, and WV (Kartesz 1999, 2010).image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium leptophyllumNarrowleaf Willow-herb, American Marsh Willow-herbBogs, fens, seepages, and boggy meadows.NL (Newfoundland) and NT west to BC and AK, south to w. NC, ne. TN, KS, ne. TX (Mink, Singhurst, & Holmes 2011b), and CA.image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium palustreMarsh WillowherbBogs, wooded swamps.Circumboreal, south in North America to PA, MI, MN, NE, NM, and CA.image of plant
OnagraceaeEpilobium parviflorumSmallflower Hairy WillowherbMoist shores, cattail marshes, drawdown areas.Native of Europe. Reported for WV (Elizabeth Byers, pers.comm., 2021) and for e. KY (V. Voelker, pers.comm., 2024).image of plant

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