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12 results for More search options
FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PlantaginaceaeGratiola amphianthaPool-sprite, SnorkelwortVernal pools on granitic flatrocks.Endemic to granitic flatrocks of ec. AL, nc. GA (17 counties), and sc. SC.image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola brevifoliaSticky Hedge-hyssopFloodplain forests, cypress swamps, other wet places.E. GA, south and west to c. peninsular FL, e. Panhandle FL, and se. AL; c. AR and se. OK; se. LA and e. TX; c. TN; s. DE (Knapp & Estes 2006). Previous reports from SC are based on misidentifications (Knapp & Estes 2006).image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola floridanaFlorida Hedge-hyssopStream banks, spring runs, blackwater swamps.Ne. GA, se. TN (in counties adjacent to NC) (Chester, Wofford, & Kral 1997), and e. KY, south to e. GA (in counties adjacent to SC) (Jones & Coile 1988), ne. FL, Panhandle FL, AL, and MS.image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola graniticolaGranite-loving Hedge-hyssopSeasonal pools and seepage runs on granitic flatrocks.Endemic to granitic flatrocks of GA and SC (Estes & Small 2007, 2008; Brunton 2009).image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola luteaYellow Hedge-hyssop, Golden-pertBlackwater river banks, pondcypress savannas in Carolina bays, other acidic wetlands.NL (Newfoundland) and QC south in the Coastal Plain to Panhandle FL; disjunct around the Great Lakes and inland in NY, ON, IL, and ND.image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola neglectaMud-hyssop, Clammy Hedge-hyssopDitches, wet areas, bottomlands, wet cropped fields, brackish marshes.QC and ME west to BC, south to c. GA, e. TX, AZ, and CA.image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola quartermaniaeLimestone Hedge-hyssop, Quarterman’s Hedge-hyssopPools in limestone glades, wet ditches.C. TN south to n. AL; nc. and c. TX (prairies and Edwards Plateau); s. ON; ne. IL.image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola ramosaBranched Hedge-hyssopPondcypress savannas, wet pine savannas, pineland ponds and Carolina bays, marshes, pond margins, ditches.Se. NC south to s. FL, west to sw. LA; disjunct in se. VA (Greensville County) and (at least historically) in e. MD.image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola species 1Ouachita Hedge-hyssopRiver-scour outcrops and prairies.Endemic to the Ouachita Mountains of sw. AR and se. OK.
PlantaginaceaeGratiola torreyiYellow Hedge-hyssopSaline prairies, opening in post oak woodlands, seasonally wet meadows.W. LA west to s. TX.
PlantaginaceaeGratiola virginianaVirginia Hedge-hyssop, Round-fruit Hedge-hyssopSluggish streams, bogs, swamps, tidal swamps, wet areas.NJ west to OH and IA and KS, south to c. peninsular FL and e. TX.image of plant
PlantaginaceaeGratiola viscidulaViscid Hedge-hyssop, Short’s Hedge-hyssopBogs, marshes, beaver ponds, wet areas, ditches, margins of Coastal Plain ponds.DE, MD and e. VA, south to c. SC and ne. GA; disjunct in s. OH, WV, e. TN, MO, and ne. FLimage of plant

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