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FamilyScientific Name Common NameHabitatDistributionImage
PteridaceaePellaea atropurpureaPurple Cliff-brakeOutcrops of limestone and other rocks (usually either calcareous, subcalcareous, or mafic), rarely on masonry walls (Wieboldt 1995).Widespread in e. North America, from NH, VT, NY, MN, SD, SK, and AB south to Panhandle FL, AL, TN, AR, TX, NM, AZ, Mexico, and Guatemala.image of plant
PteridaceaePellaea glabella ssp. glabellaSmooth Cliff-brakeDry, exposed outcrops of calcareous rocks (limestone, dolostone), rarely on masonry walls (Wieboldt 1995).The diploid, sexually-reproducing P. glabella ssp. missouriensis (Gastony) Windham is (so far as is known) restricted to MO; the apogamously-reproducing autotetraploid derivative, ssp. glabella, is more widespread, ranging from VT, ONT, and MN, south to VA, TN, ne. AL (Barger et al. (2019), KY, AR, OK, and n. TX.image of plant
PteridaceaePellaea glabella ssp. missouriensisLimestone and dolomite bluffs.Endemic to the MO Ozarks (as far as is known).
PteridaceaePellaea ovataZigzag Cliff-brakeRocky slopes, ledges, on calcareous and other rocks.TX south into Mexico, Central America, and South America; West Indies (Hispaniola).image of plant
PteridaceaePellaea ternifolia ssp. arizonicaArizona Cliff-brakeOn granitic outcrops.A remarkable disjunct from sw. United States and Mexico (south to Oaxaca) to w. SC; see Heafner (2001) for additional information. When discovered, it was believed that the SC site was a state record for P. wrightiana (Platt & Townsend 1996), but Heafner (2001) demonstrated that the station actually represents P. ternifolia ssp. arizonica.image of plant
PteridaceaePellaea wrightianaWright's Cliff-brakeIn crevices or soil mats over various acidic to slightly basic rocks; eastwards on open to shaded outcrops of Carolina slate, "rich" granitic rock, gneiss, and other rock types.Sw. AR (Ouachita Mountains; T. Witsell, pers. comm.) and OK west to se. CO and sw. UT, south to TX, AZ, and n. Mexico (COA, CHH, SON, BCN, and BCS), with a few, remarkable disjunct occurrences in c. NC (Wagner 1965; Heafner 2001) and w. SC (McMillan et al. 2018).image of plant